The Longest Journey...
Updated: Apr 29, 2022
The longest journey that I have ever made, was the one from my head to my heart...Kathy told me.
As I find myself on that same road, I must absolutely agree with her. It is the LOOOOONGEST journey.
The journey begins when it begins. Some are born on the path, others never set foot on it. I gratefully was put on the path after experiencing great suffering in my life and longing for something better. I wanted to be happy.
One of the greatest efforts I made was quieting the mind....then quieting it more and then some.
The mind is busy, busy, busy and often disconnected from the life being lived.
The mind needs to be quieter in order to bring it in, integrate it with other parts of you. The mind is just one aspect of who you are. It is not what or who you are....and you can't understand that with the mind. It won't let you. It can't. It is not capable.
The mind can only address what concerns the mind...
So be quiet and then listen, allow, feel, breathe, slow down, experience, move, open/close...awaken to the you that is greater than just the mind....