I don't remember
This morning my 5 year old once again demonstrated how our body/mind/emotion cycle works and can get so easily derailed.
"Isabella is so mean to me. She hurt my feelings." Sophia was crying and whining as we were busy getting ready for school this morning. It took me a couple of minutes to attend to this crying fit, it was not the first one of this morning. And once I finally got to her, she was still in tears and complaining. I started brushing her hair and asked her, what did her sister say that hurt her so?? She looked at me with wet, sad eyes and said, "I don't remember." Poor thing was hurting about something that came and went, that she most likely misinterpreted. Nevertheless she kept feeding the cycle that kept her miserable and in emotional pain.
We took a breath and switched topics and she was off to get upset about something else. It was brushing her teeth, putting on shoes and life in general.
She was tired and moody. She was looking to feed her moodiness and it didn't matter what it was, it was going to upset her.
How much of our experiences/thoughts/emotions are clouded by the mood we are in, by how much we slept or didn't, food intake, exercise or lack thereof, weather, time of month, time of year and so on....? Take care of yourself and your mood and thoughts will follow, yes, not always, but more often than not....
Become alert and observe your habits and be compassionate with yourself and others
I learn so much from a 5 year old...