Our Wonder-FULL Body
A Holistic Health Curriculum for Children
By Tamar Silberman MA, MSc., DiplOM
Welcome to my first published book!
I am thrilled to be sharing this with the world. This is my hope for growing awareness, wellness practices and love for the human body. May it inspire you to start a conversation and journey with the children in your life. Or offer another resource on a conversation and journey already in the making.
The book was inspired by years in clinic, my own health journey and having children. Let's set the bar high for Wellness.
The book as described on Amazon:
Let’s jump right in, into a journey of discovery, learning and fun. This curriculum guides the learners through different activities, games, art projects, writing exercises and involved discussions about our WONDER-Full body.
There are ten lesson plans covering five topics, which are cycled through twice. The first cycle is an introduction to the topic followed by a second round that goes into greater depth. The lessons are interactive and focused on engaging young children through experience, using multiple teaching strategies.
In this curriculum, we cover:
The amazing nature of the human body
The potential of our body to excel in different areas of life
The messages and signals we receive from our body and how to appropriately respond
Emotions and how they are experienced in our body
Choosing good habits for life
Positive and negative thinking and speaking
Through movement and mindfulness practices, children will learn to cultivate a deep connection with their bodies and emotions, and the seeds of knowledge and skills to take charge of their health and well-being for a lifetime, would have been planted.
Filled with colorful illustrations and age-appropriate activities, this curriculum is perfect for parents, teachers, and healthcare practitioners looking to provide children with an empowering approach to health and wellness.